Stab wounds to back
Multiple stab wounds to back
Harry Voesten, Netherlands |
Stab wounds to back - front view
Stab wounds to back
Harry Voesten, Netherlands |
Shotgun wound to chest - lung injury at thoracotomy
Shotgun wound to left chest
Luis Filipe Pinheiro, Hospital S?Teot??, Viseu, Portugal |
Shotgun wound to chest
Shotgun wound to left chest
Luis Filipe Pinheiro, Hospital S?Teot??, Viseu, Portugal |
Gunshot to Abdomen. Entry wound. IVC Injury
Gunshot wound: Entry in right upper quadrant.
Luis Pinheiro. Viseu, Portugal |
Gun Shot to the Abdomen
Gunshot abdomen - entry wound
Dr. Nedal Matar, Aleppo University Hospital, Syria |
Dog bite to forearm
Dogbite to forearm
Luis Velazco M.D, Mery Cortes M.D, Barquisimeto, Venezuela |
Stab Wound to the Abdomen
Stab Wound to the Abdomen, with omental protrusion.
Dr. Nedal Matar, Aleppo University Hospital, Syria. |
Dog Bite to Forearm 02
Dog bite to forearm
Luis D. Velazco M.D, Mery Cortes M.D Barquisim
eto Venezuela |
Penetrating abdominal trauma - knife in situ
Penetrating abdominal injury - knife in situ
Dr. Daniel Maia, Hospital Geral do Graja?, S?o Paulo, Brazil